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Melbourne Immigration Museum

My visit to Melbourne Immigration Museum

On 22/06/16 – Today I went to the Immigration Museum on school excursion.

But it didn’t start off like that. It started off normally.  The only difference was we didn’t bring our bag. We bought a plastic bag with our food inside. After that we had to go to the bus. We walked in a line all the way to the bus. We had to wait for the bus to start. Finally bus started. It took so long to reach the place. About 30 minutes, I think !!!.  When we went there we didn’t go in. We had our snack then we went for a walk for 30 mins for our replacement for play time at school. After that some kids had to take a box to the museum. When they came back we got to go. When we went in, we had to split up in small groups. After that we went upstairs and went in a small room. In the room, there was this place where you could interview people. Two people can do that at the same time. I and my friend interviewed 2 girls. But it was really boring, all you had to do was to listen to a man telling all the questions to the girl or boy. After that we went out of the room and ran to the 3rd storey. Then the teacher yelled from the 2nd floor to come back down. After that it was lunch time. After that we came back to school.

Featured Image Credit:   TK Kurikawa /

Melbourne’s Yarra River in front of Immigration Museum
Yarra River, Melbourne

Image Credit :  Ryszard Stelmachowicz /


Kids Fundraising

What I learned from Fund Raising for School?

The task was to raise funds for my school. I was supposed to raise $50 for my school’s playground.  The money is going to be used to build our school playground because my school has no playgrounds. It has a basketball court though.


To raise funds, I made a list of people and I went to their houses and told them that I was raising funds for my school playground and they bought one chocolate.


I learned how to raise things and how to talk out loud to people including my friends and my mum and dad’s friends who knows me and whom I know. I also learned how to be polite.