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Nice Kid Cartoon

How to be a good girl or a boy

  1. By listening to your mum and dad.
  2. Be helping your parents. Example: washing the dishes.
  3. By tidying your room.
  4. By being quiet when your parents are talking to the each other or when you are on the phone.
  5. By being nice.
  6. By helping other people
  7. By doing your homework without being told.
  8. Sleep on time and wake up on time and get ready for school time.

The last two points were recommended by my mum.

Kids Helping Others

How can you help others?

Helping other is a good idea. Here is how you can help others

  • Making things for others
  • Giving them money
  • Helping them in their chores
  • Doing things for people so they can have break
  • Giving them stuff
  • Writing stuff for them if they don’t feel like writing or if their handwriting is messy
  • Helping them fixing their stuff e.g. if they want to fix Lego